Pieces of My Career
Viatorem Cyano is a time travelling, parallel swimming saviour. Or so she has been told. Her ancestors have been tasked with saving all the Earth's throughout the galaxies of time. But Viatorem isn't sure she can obey the Council of Constellations when so little of her life offers stability, in her service to the world.
As her mind begins to shatter into the hundreds of beings she has inhabited in her travels, she finds the line between reality and unreality has never been more blurred. Will Viatorem free her ancestors from the burden they carry? Or will the weight of it crush her before she ever really lives?

Brown Berry Saint
This story is about a family of religious zealots, who travel a dystopian plane attempting to save what is left of humanity.
Brown Berry Saint is the daughter of the pastor who runs the traveling tent revival. Brown Berry and her sister BeBe learn to hustle their way into the pockets of the parishioners. Their father has been using Brown Berry as his own personal money magician, and as Brown Berry matures, she realizes she is a tool of evil in a world of evil. She and BeBe escape the tent revival, their father and mother, and become wanderers searching for a new family and a new purpose.

The Call to Cthulu
A tale about Cthulu and his descendants, told from Cthulu's POV. As a Cthulu, Lorraine is charged with keeping her coastlines safe of the demons from the deep. Often she is met with opposition form the sentient beings that she protects. They don't understand that without Lorraine and her progeny, their world would fall to the tentacles of greater evils.
Lorraine and her family rub up against some of the terror that Lovecraft started with his Necronomicon. But Lorraine and crew offer a glimpse of their own humanity despite their alien form. Could it be that these Cthulu are the ancestors from before the evolution of humankind?